Volleyball League Registration

What league are you wanting to play in?
Team Captain Information
Team Information
What is your teams name?
Below you will list all players in your team. Full names and valid emails.
If you are signing up for Coed 2's, please fill out Player #2's name and email, the rest can be N/A. If you are signing up as a free agent, N/A can be placed in all player names.

If you have more players in your team, you will be handed a physical waiver/roster the first day of the actual league and you will be able to sign up to 14 players for your team.


Signature is required.
By signing here, you verify everyone on your team is 21+ and that you understand if full payment is not made for you/your team (at the latest) 3 days before the start date of the league you forfeit your spot this season and you/your team will not be on the schedule.